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Welcome to the official Eclipse Foundation Starter for Jakarta EE. The starter uses a Maven Archetype to generate sample code to get you going quickly with simple Jakarta EE microservices projects.

Generate a Jakarta EE Project

Select the options for the project and click generate. You will then be prompted to download a zip file that contains the project. Unzip the file and follow the in the unzipped directory.

This interface ensures a valid combination of options every time you make a selection. It automatically disables any option which would result in invalid input. It enables options that are valid for a given selection. Some examples are provided below for each option.

Jakarta EE 10 requires Java SE above 8.
Core Profile only available for Jakarta EE 10 and later.
Java SE 8 requires Jakarta EE below 10.
GlassFish requires no Docker support and Web Profile or the Jakarta EE Platform, WildFly requires Jakarta EE 8 or 10, TomEE requires Web Profile and Jakarta EE 8 or 9.1.
Docker support requires a runtime other than GlassFish.

The official Jakarta EE Starter is hosted on Azure App Service JBoss EAP. It is powered by Jakarta EE, Jakarta Faces and PrimeFaces.